
When you post remember you are posting to a world audience. You must use correct punctuation - sentences must start with capital letters and end with full stops, check your spelling and use writing language not text language. Mrs FR

Wednesday, 10 December 2014

the year 7 and 8 soical

Wow tomorrow is the year 7's first social I'm so scared the teachers decided that the theme was 60's. The reason why we are doing the social is to say bye to our year 8's some people are scared and some people are excited so we have to wait and see.

Monday, 29 September 2014

Holy Quotes

singing cup

Hi everyone on Wednesday the 24th of September we had singing cup. Singing cup is when you sing in front of a judge and you get marked. The years is 5,6,7 and 8 also there are the duets for the year 5 to 6 and the year 7 to 8. Singing cup is a fun thing to do the best thing is you get to sing in front of the whole school.

Sunday, 10 August 2014

what my class is doing.

In ruma manuka we have been writing our own songs about war and poverty. We are saying why war is not good in our world!

Thursday, 17 July 2014

My Book Review!

Roald Dahl is the best. For my book review I'm writing about Charlie and the great glass elevator. You would know it if you are a big Roald Dahl fan. But if you don't know Roald Dahl books get ready for a surprise.

Charlie and the great glass elevator is a amazing story it holds the worlds No.1 storyteller. I like this book because it has fascinating characters. It has great descriptive language also the has has a good hook. I also like the pictures because those pictures are very creative, It's like someone drew on the book.

So you must be wondering what happens in the book. In the book Willy Wonka, Charlie and his family are going on a adventure in Mr Wonka's  great glass elevator. But before I tell you anymore these are the characters Charlie Bucket, Mr Willy Wonka, Mr and Mrs Bucket, Grandpa Joe,Lancleot R. Gilligrass (the US president) and Miss Tibbs. So Mr Wonka and Charlie are travelling for something very important. But the travel doesn't go well. They hear a very bad noise that makes the elevator go crazy so Charlie and Mr Wonka need to find away to fix the great glass elevator. But if you want to know more you need to read the book.

I would recommend this book for all ages, also for people who love adventurous books, this book will make you feel like your in the story. So thats why you should read Roald Dahl Charlie and the Great Glass Elevator. Hope you enjoyed my book review please read the book

BY: Trish Chikowore. 

Sunday, 6 July 2014

The school holidays!

Wow I can't believe that its the school holiday's.I don't know what to do but I know that it is going to be really fun. I also have some holiday homework so I need to try to finish that so please wish me luck!

The School Musical.

The school musical was amazing it was the best musical ever.Everyone loved preforming in it I could see the amazing Talents. But the musical was very hard,but the best thing was that my class was the finishing act.


On Saturday my netball team did amazing. But the game was very tough but we did do better this time. The last time we played that team we lost big time, but this time the score was 23 all and we are very very happy.

Sunday, 29 June 2014


On Saturday St Joseph gold  vs valley ferns.Those girls did amazing but it was a tough game the scores were 14 all. But I think we did great because we kept trying and never gave up. We also have another game on Saturday.  

Netball practice.

Man netball practice was different today we played some games.One of the games were, one of us were blind folded and we had to do an obstetrical coarse.When I started a was super scared my hands were sweaty and I didn't know what to do.But other then that I loved it.The other game was a netball game with the B-team those girls know how to play netball.I love netball practice now!

Thursday, 26 June 2014

The Moon Poem

As I'm in my bedroom I see the bright moon staring at me.I wonder why is the moon so bright is the moon cheese.So many questions not enough answers.But every night I look up to the moon and keep asking the same questions over and over again.

Wednesday, 25 June 2014

School Musical (St jos X factor)

Hi everyone we are practicing for our senior musical. We are so excited but we have lots and lots of work to be done. Our musical will be at St Kevin's Oamaru on Thursday the 3rd of July.Each class from year 4 to year 8 have to preform a song and dance.All of us are doing great we are so excited for the big day!

Tuesday, 24 June 2014

Welcome to my Blog!

Hi my name is Trish Chikowore and this is my blog. Sorry I haven't blogged for awhile I hope you enjoy my blog.